Apropo de Olfa



Apropo de OLFA...

Sunt multe abervieri privind lamele de schimb pentru cutterele voastre preferate si suntem siguri ca majoritatea dintre voi stiu ce inseamna. Totusi, sa eliminam orice dubiu, va stam la dispozitie sa clarificam orice detaliu privind compatibilitatile, caracteristicile si disponibilitatea lor in depozitele Elcor Paper.

Spre exemplu, codurile lamelor care incep cu litera "L", sunt lame de rezerva pentru cutitele cu latimea de 18 mm, iar, cele care incep cu litera "A" sunt destinate cutitelor cu latimea de 9 mm.

Partea buna este ca, indiferent de cod, de tip sau latime, le veti gasi la noi pe toate, deoarece le-am introdus in stocurile permanente si nu doar pe comanda.

Spor la taiat, la proiectat si, bineinteles, la munca!

Articol 2

Web Netsiter

Fluid comes with two powerful plugins free of charge – the Slider Revolution and the drag-and-drop WPBakery Page Builder plugin. With Fluid, there is always more.

Articol 3

Web Netsiter

Fluid comes with two powerful plugins free of charge – the Slider Revolution and the drag-and-drop WPBakery Page Builder plugin. With Fluid, there is always more.

Articol 4

Web Netsiter

Fluid comes with two powerful plugins free of charge – the Slider Revolution and the drag-and-drop WPBakery Page Builder plugin. With Fluid, there is always more.

Articol 5

Web Netsiter

Fluid comes with two powerful plugins free of charge – the Slider Revolution and the drag-and-drop WPBakery Page Builder plugin. With Fluid, there is always more.

Articol 6

Web Netsiter

Fluid comes with two powerful plugins free of charge – the Slider Revolution and the drag-and-drop WPBakery Page Builder plugin. With Fluid, there is always more.


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